Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Favorite Memories(Captured Through the Lense of My iPhone)

Hey, uh, long time no...write? I guess? Yeah, sorry about that...ya know, school and all that jazz sort of took over my life again. I guess I sort of missed my blog post writing window back in during the summer, didn't I? Yikes.

Well I guess now that I'm back in school I'll actually have things to write about, won't I? Unlike the dreadfully, usually boring, slumber-filled days of summer where the most exciting thing that would happen would be once and I while I'd get something in the mail. Wow what an attention grabbing post that would have made for! Anyways, now that I'm back in school, I'm busy, sure, but I'm constantly doing something that can be turned into some sort of story or making some memory.

That's why I'm back here today(tonight? idk it's 3:12 am, what do you call that?) Today, I spent a good portion of the last twelve hours in my bed, a rare occurrence to be honest. Part of that time was spent asleep, part of that time was spent rolling around, writhing in the pain of those first day period cramps-oh the joy! And the rest of the time, I was, well, resting. Scrolling through my twitter, facebook and instagram feed quickly became boring, and I double clicked the home button on my iphone and brought myself to my trusty old camera roll.

Now, I recently made the painfully difficult decision of deleting most of my useless, space-hogging 7,000 plus photos, bringing myself back down to only 442. Through this agonizingly long process of having to manually delete these pictures(thanks for the help, Apple), I came across some of my absolute favorite photos that I had lost in the giant abyss of my camera roll. These precious-pixels of course made the cut, and as I scrolled through them as I laid in my bed today, I thought back on each of the memorable moments that they captured. I'd I wanted to share some of them with you.

This photo was taken in Christopher Columbus Park by the Boston Harbor. Photo credits for this one actually go to one of my best friends Seda, obviously I didn't take this as I'm clearly in it. It was the first day of our summer vacation after our junior year of high school, and Jessica, Seda and myself wanted to spend the beautiful day out exploring the city. I'm not one for PDA, but this spot was much to beautiful to give up this perfect moment.

This photo was taken at the very top of the Prudential Building, again, in Boston. The sun was almost about to set on the chilly day in March, and it was a beautiful view to end the day. It was actually my first time being a the top of the Pru, and the picture doesn't even do justice to how breathtaking the city is from above.

All I can say about this picture is that out of all of my favorites, this is one of my favorites. Don't ask me what that means.... "Something I am beginning to think is this: when I take a photograph that is specifically of a person, and think of it as a portrait, and decide that I am taking a portrait, a sense of uncomfortableness that exists between me & other people becomes very obvious and apparent in the image. When I take a photograph that happens to include people, that has people as an element of it, or maybe not even the whole person, it is infinitely more calm and natural."

I mean, I think this photo speaks for itself. Being 52 stories above the sparkling city can't be explained. It's the most awe-inducing moment I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. 

Very rarely do I have the opportunity of witnessing mother nature's beauty like I did this day. With my schedule constantly jam-packed, I spend most, if not all of my days inside rooms inside buildings, with the four walls making me feel trapped. But to be able to be completely free in the middle of the gorgeous greenery was incredible.

This photo was again, not actually taken by myself, photo credit to Jessica, but this piece in the Museum of Fine Arts was particularly captivating. The neon lights acted as instructions to visitors while simultaneously being a work of art in itself. I thought it was fascinating, and I envied its beauty, so I through myself in the picture in hopes to make myself seem a bit more...artistic? Sure.

I mean, do I even have to say anything here? Softball is my one opportunity to get fresh air and enjoy the outside world, and mother nature was just....she really out-did herself that night.

This is the oldest picture I have in my collection of favorites, but it wasn't too long ago that I took this picture. February of 2013, I believe is when I took this photo at, you guessed it, my first Maroon 5 concert. My friend who graciously brought me that night has now gone off to college, a road that I'll soon be traveling down myself, but the two of us will always have this moment to look back on. I can still recall the way the pieces of confetti fell onto my hair and then sprinkled the floor of the arena. That night, just like every other concert, music brought tens of thousands of people together, like the was the massive crowd sang She Will Be Loved and Sunday Morning as one collective voice. It was an amazing night.

Those are just a few of my favorite photos, and maybe I'll write another post with some more eventually. My goal is to be constantly building my collection by making even more unforgettable moments and just enjoying life. Right now, my life is so incredibly stressful, but in times like this, it's always great to look back on these days and just think about how many more memories there are to be made.

Stay gnarly 

Monday, July 21, 2014


When you look up the word confidence in the dictionary, or at least google it, a few definitions come up.

Confidence(noun) - the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust


Confidence(noun) - the state of feeling certain about the truth of something

but my favorite definition is

Confidence(noun) -  a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities

That one is my favorite. When I think of being confident, I envision myself, standing in front of my mirror with no clothes, underwear, or even layered up in sweaters and jeans, but with a smile on my face. Its never been a mystery that girls and women are usually lacking in that self confidence, and of course I am not at all an exception. I've battled for years with that little voice in the back of my head screaming "You look fat", "You can't wear that, you'll look disgusting", "No one likes a fat girl". I'm only about to be seventeen and I've struggled with my appearance for far too long.

But for the first time in a LONG time, I did some retail therapy, to my surprise, I actually did find myself in my new clothes, standing in front of my mirror, being actually kind of happy with how I looked. I'm a bigger girl, not like tall sort of big, but more...thick. I've been chubby and unhappy with my weight and my inability to look like the girls on tv, or even just the girls on the website of the store that are modeling the clothes that they're trying to sell to me. But this time was different.

I purchased one pair of shorts, one pair of trendy overalls, a pair of boyfriend style jeans, a white sweater, and two t-shirts. They arrived in a fairly large box on my front steps, and I hesitantly brought them inside, taking a deep breathe before I stripped off my oversized t-shirt and pajama shorts, essentially bracing myself for the tears and self loathing to commence when none of the things in my over one hundred dollar order looked even remotely flattering on me.

But...apart from the overalls giving me a massive camel toe and the two t-shirts I had automatically ordered in large due to force of habit being much too "large" on me, I absolutely love everything.

I felt confident as I looked at myself in my new outfits.

You don't need to be teeny tiny with a little waist, abs, and a perfectly proportioned pair of tits and an ass to be confident in yourself. You don't need to have a model figure to love fashion.

The number on the scale does not determine your how sexy you are. As long as you're healthy and you feel good about yourself, you're a stunner in my opinion.

Stay gnarly 

Friday, July 11, 2014

My First Blog Post?? Let's get to know eachother...

Well, I guess this is new. Uh, hi. I'm Kristen. I guess I should tell you all(all zero of you) a little bit about myself since I guess this is gonna be a little bit like my own online diary/ootd archive/makeup review/music love letter/film criticism vault. I'm sixteen, about to be seventeen in 18 days, 1 hour and 2 minutes. I'm a senior in highschool, so I'm basically having some of my prime existential crises right now. Where do I want to go to college? What do I want to major in? Minor in? What do I want to do for a living? Where do I want to get married? Do I want to have any kids? Where do I want to be buried when I die? What do I want written on my tombstone??? You know, that kinds of stuff....

Actually those last two were trick questions. I want to be cremated.


Well, I really like photography. Lets start with that. For a while now, I've always loved pictures. Whether it was taking pictures, having my picture taken, or just looking at pictures. I've loved the idea of capturing a memory forever on a piece of glossy paper, and being able to look at it for years and years after it's happened. A few years ago is when I realized that photography was an artform and a career that I wanted to pursue. Of course, we all know that having a career in photography isn't going to supply you with the most stable lifestyle, but I guess I'm the type of person who's willing to take that chance, instead of growing up with a boring cubicle job that will make me want to go home and blow my brains out every night.I'd rather be happy and poor than miserable and rich.

Okay this post is starting to look a little grim, lets pep it up a bit. Let's talk about how I'm a bIG OL' LESBIAN. Yeah that's right, I said the L-word. LESBIANNNN. LET ME WAVE MY BIG RAINBOW FLAG ALL OVER THIS BLOG. G-A-Y. G-A-Y. I've been dating the most beautiful girl in the entire universe for about seven months now. Her name is Jessica Mary Lyons(her blog is, how hot is that url?"). We were been friends for about four or five years before we started dating, in fact, our friendship began over I fight about which one of us loved the famous teen heartthrob Nick Jonas or the fabulous Jonas Brothers more. Heh, back when we were foolish and straight... but anyways, I love her. Like a lot. I'm sure there will be many posts about her, so I'll stop myself before I write a novel.

Lets see, what else....well I guess I can give myself a little self promo before I end this...

I have lots and lots of social media that you can stalk me on if you wish.

Follow me on twitter or @fxckkristen
Follow me on tumblr
Follow me on instagram or @ms.kristen
Subscribe to me on youtube, god forbid I actually meet my goal of making videos
Look at the clothes I wish I had
Look at the things I wish I had enough money to buy
Listen to the music I like

Okay I think that's all of them....

I feel like I should think of a ending a goodbye thingy that I always say at the end of my posts...


Stay gnarly 

(That was so dumb omg kill me)